I preach it because I do it too.

Moderation and Balance are the keys.
Saturday, October 4th, 2009
Breakfast - Small cup of coffee (french pressed style) w/1 serving non-fat flavored creamer. A bowl of Honey nut Cheerios w/1 medium sized banana and 2% organic milk
Drink till lunch time - water with fresh strawberries cut up in it to add some great flavor and nutrition. With going into fall this strawberry water takes my mind back to the first time strawberries are in season at the beginning of spring! YUM!
Lunch - Salad (pictured above) 1/2 dark green lettuce, 1/2 iceberg lettuce, cucumber with the skin left on, 1 medium vine ripe tomato, small handful of Feta cheese crumbs, pepperoncini, broccoli, and 2 table spoons light ranch dressing on the side. And still drinking my strawberry water. Very refreshing.
I choose to eat my lunch on the patio today to work on my vitamin D...the sunshine vitamin. Most people don't get enough vitamin D. It helps with mood, healthy cell production, and calcium absorption. For fair skinned people 15-20 minutes in the sun...For darker skinned people up to 30 minutes will help you get your daily "sunshine" vitamin. Sun exposure through glass does not count and this will be the only time you will ever hear me say it is okay to go without sunscreen. . Glass and sunscreen filters out the UV ray responsible for helping our bodies create vitamin D. You can also get added vitamin D by taking a daily supplement (1000 to 2000 IU/day). Which I take daily. Sitting in the sun for me is just that little extra feel good time and a way to enjoy being outside.
Drink till dinner - the rest of my strawberry water I made earlier in the day and munched on the strawberries when I finished the water. FABULOUS!
Dinner - 1 cup of stir fried veggies (zucchini, yellow squash, asparagus, snow peas, and rice noddles) seasoned with light salt soy sauce, ginger, and rice wine vinegar.
Evening time - Glass of red wine and oh surprise...water before bed.
The idea is as much raw food as you can get. There is just way too much processed stuff in our diets. If it comes in a box or can guess what...it is processed! Get back to simple food choices and get healthy skin, a healthy body, and a healthy mind. Help teach your children food is full of color, nutrition, and does not come in a box or can!