Everyone remembers their mom telling them to wash their face.
But not many of us understood the importance.
Except that it was annoying to hear.
Well I am here to tell you the very same thing..."Wash your face"!
The difference is I am going to explain why it is important.
And I promise not to be annoying.
Washing your face is a refreshing way to start your day
and a great way to calm down at the end of your day.
It has great health benefits over and above the emotional ones I just stated.
By washing your face morning and night you are removing...dirt, oils, pollution, makeup, and sweat.
Cleanser just 1 time per day is not enough.
The 1st cleanse will take off, makeup, some of the other items
but the 2nd cleanse will go deeper into pores to help lift out dirt, oils, sweat,
and makeup that the 1st cleanse could not reach.
Remember...this is a morning & night ritual.
Most people don't realize that their oil glands are most active at night.
People who suffer from especially oil skin should
make sure they are cleansing 2x morning and night as well as
change their pillow cased more often.
So...always use warm to slightly cooler water.
There is a time and place to use hot water...this isn't it.
Most people stand over their sinks letting the water run down the drain.
I am always looking for ways to help the environment and have great skin care.
So going forward learn to be best friends with a wash cloth.
Wet your cloth with the water and leave on the side of the sink.
Take your face cleaner...remember in my past blog about having
a cleanser especially for your face, not just regular old hand soap....
Wet your hands and cleaner, then make sure the water is turned off.
Work the cleanser all over your face,
taking special care to be gentle around the eyes.
Use the wash cloth to remove the cleanser, rinse the cloth and repeat a 2nd time.
Using the wash cloth not only saves on water but it is a manual exfoliant
that skin needs to help sluff off dead skin cells and helps promote new cell growth.
Don't scrub too hard...a light touch is all you really need.
The other benefit to using a wash cloth is they are small,
can be easily stored near your sink,
and you are more likely to launder the wash cloth instead of...
reusing like I am sure most people do...using a hand towel 15 times before laundering.
Guys...using the wash cloth has an added bonus for you when it comes time to shave.
Wash your face as I describe above and then shave.
The wash cloth helps to lift the hair from just below the skin and
will create a closer better shave for you.
After cleansing...tone (optional) and moisturize.
Cleansers no matter how gentle can still leave your skin dry.
So if you tend to have a drier skin type you may opt to use a toner.
Toners are made to help bring skin back to it's correct PH and moisture balance.
After toning, use your eye cream and face moisturizer.
Your face moisturizer should be correct for your skin type.
Dry ~ Normal ~ Oily
And for day time be sure your moisturizer has SPF 15 or higher.
There you go...Oh one side note...
try to avoid washing your face in the shower.
Most people think if they do as much as they can in the
shower they are saving water. Actually you are wasting.
Wash your face and brush your teeth...guys, shave, at the sink.
By washing your face 2x/morning and 2x/night you will see
healthier skin in days. Really...it is that simple.
Contact me for help to you pick the correct face cleanser, toner, and moisturizer for your skin type.
XO's ~ LG