Wednesday, August 29, 2018

What is Holistic Skincare?

In my most recent Google business page post I gave a brief description of what LG Health and Beauty skincare focuses on.

"At LGH&B Holistic skincare is the focus. This means plant based skincare products*, healthy eating habits, a balanced lifestyle for best results and staying away from the MedSpa style glitz and glam of Fillers, Botox, Micro-needling, Micodermabrasion, and other medically invasive and harsh style treatments. Your skin is a beautiful living breathing thing and it should be nurtured, cared for with TLC, and given the best nutrients to live it's best life. Aging is a part of life. Aging with beauty and grace is a choice. Skincare does not have to be complicated or painful. Coaching you to your best skin is the mission. We all have skin but all people has different needs to get their best skin results. It is important to have someone in your corner helping you to pick the best products and weed through the millions of choices on the market today. Visit our Blog today and learn online what you need to get your best beautiful skin results."

Now, what exactly does "Holistic" skincare mean?

I feel it is important to be on the same page about the definition because when I have searched holistic skincare the result is often not what I am looking for.  

This brings up a whole list of other buzz words being used today:


This list gets really long very quickly so I will stop here for now and discuss buzz words in more depth on another post.  For now I want to define these five words as they will be used on my blog so we are on the same page.

Holistic: Treating the skin topically with good from the earth plants such as fruits, veggies, and other herbs and essential oils as well as honey and milk. The whole body must be taken into consideration during treatment to get the best results meaning what is being consumed as well as applied also is a factor.

Organic: Comes from the earth not synthetically made in a lab or genetically altered. This does include petroleum and animal products.

Natural: Comes from nature. Can be interchanged with Organic. 

Naturalpathic: Using nature and the bodies own systems to heal and protect the body.

Alternative:  Outside of conventional medical science.  

Now I want to be clear in stating that conventional medical treatments for skin health is necessary and helps many people every day.  In my over personal view I feel and think that many people turn to conventional medicine to treat a problem but never find the root cause.  Example: Cystic acne - often treated with conventional medicines with good results.  Problem is it often returns and the person has no idea why. Returning to the medicine, which is often harsh on the body, but the doctors and person never takes a look at what is being applied to the skin or what may be going on through nutrition that is adding to these types of breakouts.  I am not a medical doctor nor will I tell a person to not seek medical treatment.  In my skincare I simply want people to take a look at the whole picture and educate them selves, better yet, empower them selves to their total skin health.  I am a California State Board licensed Esthetician since 2009, always reading and learning to gain the most educated knowledge possible and I consider myself a dam good at what I do because of it.  With that I am your skincare coach. Helping to better understand choices and why what you are doing is affecting their skin.  I do not have to worry about selling a specific skincare brand because I am independent, though I do have my favorites (100%Pure).  Allowing me to give you my true opinion and expertise on products and treatment procedures. 

I hope this post finds you healthy, happy, and beautiful!  Look for future posts that will include my holistic approach to skin health, views on products, treatments, DIY skincare recipes, food and beverage recipes, current fads, trends, as well as interviews from other professionals to help empower you to your best skin!


Your holistic skincare coach to beautiful healthy skin inside and out!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tip 6 of 365 - Your Fountain of Youth

Tip 6 of 365 from LGH&B: When selecting body scrubs the best choice is most often Sugar based. There are more skin healing and exfoliating properties in sugar then salt scrubs.

LGHealthnBeauty Instagram

Tip # 7 of 365 - Your Fountain of Youth

Most people do not hydrate their skin properly, some not at all.  There are a couple key things you can do that won't break the bank. 

1) Toner - all skin needs water moisture and using a toner throughout the day can help as well as cut down on skin over producing oils. Mist lightly over skin mornings before applying serums and or cremes.  Mist during the day, even right over makeup to help with hydration. Mist again at night after cleansing and before applying serums and or creme. (Clarify - steps to skincare are Cleanse, Tone, Serum (some people do not use a serum), Creme (some people do not use a creme)

2) Eat water rich fruits and veggies.  Foods like watermelon or cucumber help the skin hydrate from the inside.  

3) Use a serum and cremes with Hyaluronic Acid. This ingredients helps skin retain water. This ingredient can be made from plants like sweet potatoes so be sure to ask your skincare professional the source of the ingredient.  

LGH&B ~ Your Fountain of Youth  

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tip 5 of 365 - Your Fountain of Youth

Tip 5 of 365 from LGH&B: Serums

Serums are the Number 1 most important product in your skincare steps. The amount used is about a pinto bean. Serums have the most corrective properties and this is where you will spend the majority of your money in a skincare product line.

For more tips follow us on Instagram:  lgbeauty 

Tip 4 of 365 - Your Fountain of Youth

Tip 4 of 365 from LGH&B: Fun Day Friday tip 

You don't have to be serious when you bath but you have to bath to seriously have clean clear skin. 

For more tips follow us on Instagram: lgbeauty

Tip 3 of 365 - Your Fountain of Youth

Tip 3 of 365 from LGH&B - Eye Cream 

This is one product that most everyone over uses and wastes. The size for both eyes is the size of a grain of rice. Use your ring fingers to apply and gently pat around eyes, do not rub in. 

For more tips follow us on Instagram:  lgbeauty

Tip 2 of 365 - Your Fountain of Youth

Tip 2 of 365 from LGH&B - Face Cleansers

Use about the size of a dime. If in a pump bottle usually the size is pre measured making it super easy. With really good products you may only need a 1/2 pump over time as your skin become healthier and less dehydrated. 

For more tips follow us at lgbeauty Instagram